Shaphil Hardware is the premier North American distributor of SJ products. We provide thousands of high quality and cost effective functional hardware, such as latches, hines, industrial handles, and more to meet your application and customer needs.
Shaphil Hardware is the premier North American distributor of SJ products. We provide thousands of high quality and cost effective functional hardware, such as latches, hines, industrial handles, and more to meet your application and customer needs.
Shaphil Hardware has a vast selection of SJ products to choose from. Our products include latches, hinges, industrial handles, electrical latch systems, door stop systems and more.
Our products are backed by our world class services. Not only will you receive high quality and cost effective products, you will also receive first class services.
We are the premier North America distributor of SJ products. You will receive quality and cost effective products as well as stellar service. Why wait. Call now!